Born 1973
Melbourne, Australia
2003 Master of Philosophy (Visual Art), NITA School of Art, ANU, Canberra
2000 Bachelor of Visual Art (Hons), NITA School of Art, ANU, Canberra
1996 Diploma of Art, Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
Related Experience
2010 Group Member, SNO, Sydney
2008 Installation Assistant, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA), Melbourne
2008 Lecturer, Drawing, Grenadi School of Design, Melbourne
2008 Studio Assistant (to Stephen Bram)
2008 Studio Assistant (to John Nixon)
2007 Committee Member, Primer Artist-Run Initiative, Melbourne
2006 Studio Assistant (to Stephen Bram)
2005-8 Lecturer, Visual Art/Art History, La Trobe University / Sunraysia Institute of TAFE
2004-5 Committee Member, MIR11 Artist Run Initiative, Melbourne
2004 Installation Technician, Goddard de Fiddes Gallery (Perth), Melbourne Art Fair
2004 Transcription Assistant (to John Nixon)
2004 Guest Presenter, Public Programs, ACCA
2004 Installation Technician, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne
2003 Installation Technician, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne
2001-2 Art Forum Writer, ANU National Institute of the Arts, Canberra
2000-3 Installation Technician, ANU Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra
Solo Exhibitions
2010 Materials, Ryan Renshaw Gallery, Brisbane
2010 Special Project, (w/ Jan van der Ploeg), Karlusic House, Melbourne
2009 Analogue Shift, Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne
2008 MID AIR, KONSORTIUM, Dusseldorf, Germany
To the Centre, PS, Amsterdam, Holland
Discursive Geometry, CCNOA Project Room, Brussels, Belgium
2007 Surface Tension, Gallery 25, Mildura
2006 Of This Space, (w/ Karin Van Roosmalen), SHOW, Wellington, New Zealand
No. 22, SNO, Sydney
WALL DRAWINGS, (w/ Stephen Bram), Room103, Auckland, New Zealand
Colour and Form, (w/ Kyle Jenkins), Canary Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Six New Paintings, 874 (Mildura)
2005 Planar Constructions, Department Of The Exterior (Canberra)
2004 Complex Structures, MOP Projects (Sydney), Seventh Gallery (Melbourne)
2003 M.A.P., (w/ Masato Takasaka), Studio12, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
Sequence, WestSpace Gallery, Melbourne
2002 Technician, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra
Selected Group Exhibitions
2010 Trio, Conical Inc., Melbourne
No. 57, SNO, Sydney
In Order Out, (Inverted Topology), Anna Pappas Gallery, Melbourne
2009 Cubism and Australian Art, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne
Reductive, ACGA Gallery @ Federation Square, Melbourne
Gold, SCA Gallery, Sydney
Open House for Butterflies, MINUS SPACE project space, Brooklyn, NY
Flatfiles, MINUS SPACE project space, Brooklyn, NY
re: working space, (Inverted Toplology), White Street Project, Frankston
PS 1999-2009, PS (Amsterdam) / Kunstruimte09 (Groningen), The Netherlands
Drawing Folio, Block Projects, Melbourne
Legacies, University of Southern Queensland Art Gallery, Toowoomba
Fundraiser, The Narrows, Melbourne
2008 MINUS SPACE, (Inverted Topology), P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, NY
Advance /Retreat: three experiments in transdisciplinary collaboration, (Inverted Topology), West Space, Melbourne
Gegenstandslos, Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung e.V., Bonn, Germany
Upside Down, MINUS SPACE project space, Brooklyn, NY
Yo Mo Modernism II, CCNOA, Brussels, Belgium
Under the Surface, RC de Ruimte, Ijmuiden, Holland
My Eyes Keep me in Trouble, SCA Gallery (Sydney, Australia), Physics Room (Christchurch, NZ)
2020?, 2008 Next Wave Festival, (Inverted Topology), Meat Market, Melbourne
2007 Australian Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche (Osnabrück), Museum im Kulturspeicher (Würzburg), RAUM2810 / Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung e.V. (Bonn), Germany
UND Jetzt, IS / Galerie Le Petit Port (Leiden), The Netherlands
ABSTRACTION 6, Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne
All is well that begins well and has no end, (Inverted Topology) 80WSE Gallery, NYU, New York
ABSTRACTION ARCHITECTURE SPACE, RMIT Project Space + Spare Room, Melbourne
No. 32, (Inverted Topology), SNO, Sydney
2006 New Work – Unpacked and Expanded, CCP, Melbourne
New Work, George Paton Gallery, Melbourne University
Picture This, School of Art Gallery, ANU National Institute of the Arts (Canberra),SCA Gallery (Sydney), VCA Gallery (Melbourne)
Inverted Topology, ‘+Plus Factors’, ACCA, Melbourne
Palimpsest #6, Rio Vista House/Mildura Arts Centre, Mildura
TAKE OFF, Hebel_121, Basel, Switzerland
Early Fabricated, CCNOA (Brussels), Belgium, Tracer Projects (Toowoomba), Peloton Gallery (Sydney), Ocular Lab (Melbourne)
Awkward Balance, Blindside, Melbourne
Ambient Abstraction, SNO, Sydney
2005 No. 2, SNO, Sydney
No. 9, SNO, Sydney
Andrews / Bram / Takasaka, PB Gallery, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
MIR11, Artist-Run-Initiative Stall, Melbourne Affordable Art Fair, Melbourne
Dimensions Variable, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra
Inverted Topology, Main Gallery / Studio12, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
Inverted Topology, Gallery 2, Artspace, Sydney
2004 Abstract Realities, MOP Projects, Sydney
The Armoury Show (w/ RAID projects), New York City, USA
Constructed Colour, Artspace, Sydney
Mixed Business, Seventh Gallery Inc., Melbourne
2003 Clash of the Titans, Gallery Wren, Sydney
New No York, Tonic (March event), (w/ Dion Workman), New York City, USA
Skylounge 2003, National Museum of Australia, Canberra
2002 Pause, idSpace, Melbourne
Snap, School of Art Gallery, National Institute of the Arts, ANU
2001 A4, WestSpace, Melbourne
Coincidence, Spiral Arm Gallery, Canberra
Hatched, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth
Selected Citations
C Easton “Opinion: ANALOGUE SHIFT”, ARTINFO (http://artinfo.com.au), November 2009
S Cramer “Cubism and Australian Art” (ex. cat.), The Miegunyah Press, MUP, November 2009
C Barnes “Cubism and Australian Art” (ex. cat.), The Miegunyah Press, MUP, November 2009
C Barnes “Analogue Shift”, (ex. cat.), August 2009G Kodde
G Kodde “Letter”, (ex. cat), 15 February 2008
P Webb “Abstraction 6”, p.30, Sunday Age, 12 November 2007
G Newton “Abstraction/Architecture/Space”, SPEECH, September 2007
A Allen ibid
M Turnbull ibid
C Barnes “ABSTRACTION / ARCHITECTURE / SPACE” (ex. cat.), August 2007
K Burns “Site Drawing” (ACCA +Plus Factors ex. cat.), March 2006
C Clark “Dimensions Variable” EYELINE issue #58 Spring 2005
C Kyongfa “Inverted Topology”, Artit Magazine Spring/Summer 2005
A Memishi “Awkward Balance” (ex. cat), July 2005
D Clarke/L Byrne “Dimensions Variable” (ex.cat), July 2005
R Nelson “Walk Right Through” The Age, 8 April 2005
H Walter “+Plus Factors”, SPEECH (http://speech2012.blogspot.com), March 2006
D Lacy "Inverted Topology" (ex. cat), April/July 2005, March 2006
M Kidd "Melbourne Finishing School" Natural Selection no.3 (online journal), January 2005
C Easton "What Sort Of Business Do You Think You Are Running Here?" (ex.cat), October 2004
K Jenkins "Constructed Colour" (ex.cat.) Artspace, Sydney, September 2004
D Lacy "A Process Of Abstraction" (ex. cat.), May/August 2004
D Morison "M.A.P.i.", Natural Selections no.1 (online journal), February 2004
R Waller "Snap", (ex. cat.) School of Art Gallery, National Institute of the Arts, ANU, September 2002
2010 Trio, Conical Inc., Melbourne
2009 Drawing Folio (with John Nixon), Block Projects, Melbourne
2007 ABSTRACTION / ARCHITECTURE / SPACE, RMIT Project Space + Spare Room, Melbourne
2004 Mixed Business, Seventh Gallery Inc., Melbourne
2002 Snap, School of Art Gallery, National Institute of the Arts, ANU
2009 shortlisted, RBS Emerging Artist Award 2009, RBS Tower, Sydney
2008 shortlisted, Westpac Redlands Art Prize, Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney
2000 Academic Medal, Australian National University, Canberra
2008 Australia Council Skills and Arts Development Grant - Tokyo Studio
2000 UMAP Overseas Study Scholarship, LasalleSIA School of Fine Art, Singapore
Text & Publications
“International counterpoint” PS 1999/2009 ex/cat, PS (Amsterdam) / Kunstruimte09 (Groningen), The Netherlands
“More Modernsim?” Yo Mo Modernism II ex/cat, CCNOA, Brussels
“Free Colour” Tilman ex/cat text, Australia, 2008
“Visual Democracy” Jan Maarten Voskuil ex/cat text, Dum Umeni, Tjech Republic, 2008
“Arranging instead of Making” Masato Takasaka ex/cat text, ‘I LIKE MY OLD STUFF BETTER THAN YOUR NEW STUFF (MORE PROG ROCK SCULPTURES FROM THE 5TH DIMENSION)’, Ocular Lab, Melbourne 2007
“Tracing Hidden Lines Whilst Standing In Peripheral Fields” Stephen Bram ex/cat text, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne, 2006
“Inverted Topology” exhibition poster, ACCA ‘+Plus Factors’, Melbourne, 2006
"EPW 2004" (John Nixon ex/rev, ACCA, Melbourne) Broadsheet Vol.33 no.33, September 2004
"ANNEX" (2) Artist book project (assistant to Stephen Bram), Melbourne, 2004
"ANNEX" (1) ibid, 2003
“M.A.P.” self-published ex/cat (with Masato Takasaka), ed. of 200, Studio12, GCAS, Melbourne
"Interview" (with Stephen Bram), ed. of 50, 2002
"Reflection" (David Thomas ex/rev, Ben Grady Gallery, Canberra) Muse, no. 219, July 2002
Chartwell Collection, Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand
Mildura Arts Centre, Victoria
ANU National Institute of the Arts, Canberra
Curtin University, Perth
Private collections in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth, Mildura, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Bonn, Basel, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong