Somewhere sometime




Born 1966, New Delhi, India            

Lives and works in Hughes, Australia


2007-                    Doctoral candidate, Art History and studio RMIT

1992-1993            Postgraduate in Art Curatorial Studies, University of Melbourne

1988-1989            Bachelor of Education, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

1984-1986            Diploma of Teaching, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne



Museum education/ Public programs contract work, National Portrait Gallery

National Museum of Australia

National Gallery of Australia


Coordinator, Public Programs, National Gallery of AustraliA


Museum Educator, National Gallery of Australia

Solo Exhibitions

2008                        48 books about art, University of Sydney Art Gallery

2008                        Somewhere, sometime, Ryan Renshaw Gallery Brisbane

2007                        All I want is here, Nature Morte, New Delhi India

2006-07                   Eternal Rhythms, John Curtin Gallery, Perth

2006                        University Art Museum, University of Qld, Brisbane

2004                        Seeing things, Gallery Barry Keldoulis, Sydney

2003                        The Space Between Us, Helen Maxwell Gallery, Canberra

2001                        David Sequeira Projects, Level 2 Art Gallery of NSW

2001                        Concentric Circles: Paintings and Plastic, Scott Donovan Gallery Sydney

2000                        David Sequeira, Gallery 4a, Sydney / University Art Museum, Brisbane

1998                        A leaf from my book, Canberra Contemporary Art Space

1998                        Centre, AGOG, Canberra

1998                        Chapter, Renard Wardell Gallery, Melbourne

1997                        thirty-one threads, Michael Wardell Gallery, Melbourne

1995                        there is an order, Canberra Contemporary Art Space

1994                        Madonna of the Bus Stop, various Melbourne transport shelters

1994                        Space and Time, Continental Café, Melbourne

1993                        Spatia Concepta, West Space, Melbourne


2002                        Endless, Australian National University

2002                        Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies. Building designed by Daryl Jackson and Alastair Swayn

SelectedGroup Exhibitions

2008                         Under the influence, QUT, Brisbane

2005                        The Roving Eye Gigantic Art Space, New York

2005                        The Colour of Music, Central Gallery Adelaide

2004                        Flora Nova Nellie Castan Gallery, Melbourne

2004                        Contour Megalo studio and Gallery, Canberra

2002                        Material Witness Tamworth Textile Biennial, Tamworth Regional Gallery

2002                        Giant Molecules and Carbon Copies, Penthouse & Pavement Gallery, Melbourne

2001                        Australian Art Paper Awards Victorian Arts Centre

2001                        Artful Park Centennial Park Sydney, curated byMCA

2001                        Rogue Plastic Canberra Contemporary Art Space

2001                        Crazy Bargains Galerie Constantinople

2001                        Desire RMIT Gallery, Melbourne

2000                        Primavera Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

2000                        Triptych Helen Maxwell Gallery, Canberra

2000                        Plastic by Nature 24 Hr Art, Darwin

1999                        The Possibilities of Portraiture, National Portrait Gallery

1999                        Moet & Chandon touring exhibition, Art Gallery of South Australia

1999                        Wearable Galeripadi, Bandung, Indonesia

1997                        Patterning touring South East Asia for Asialink

1996                        new space Michael Wardell Gallery, Melbourne



re: source/search, National Library of Australia, collaborative installation with

Peter Naumann (part of the National Sculpture Forum)


Patterns of intention Artspace, Auckland, with Patrick Pound


Uday Arts group, Rajasthan, India


…and then the eyes of both them were opened and they realised they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together…collaborative installation with Peter Naumann, The Cube, Canberra Contemporary Art Space


collaborations (works on paper) with Wilma Tabacco Canberra Contemporary Art Fair


collaborations (works on paper) with Eugene Carchesio, Bellas Gallery, Brisbane

Reviews/ Catalogues

2008                         Louise Teggart, Living by the Book, Catalogue essay

2007                        Margaret Moore, David Sequeira, Art & Australia, review

2006                        Ted Snell, Geometry, Colour ,Space, Catalogue essay

2006                        Ric Spence, Collating the World, The Western Australian, review

2005                        Benjamin Genocchio, The Roving Eye, catalogue essay

2004                        Din Heagney, The colours of Sequeira artist profile, Desktop magazine

2002                        Robyn Daw, Material Witness catalogue essay

2001                        Simon Rees, David Sequeira review Art/text

2001                        Peter McNeil, David Sequeira Projects, catalogue essay

2001                        Jane Barney, Rogue Plastic catalogue essay

2000                        Melissa Chui, David as Akbar: Fiction in the work of David Sequeira, Art & Australia

2000                        Melissa Chui, Primavera catalogue essay

2000                        Giles, Aughty, review of Primavera The Australian Newspaper, September

2000                        Kate Murphy, Broadsheet, March

1999                        Scott Brown, Give me something to believe in, Moet & Chandon touring

                                exhibition, catalogue essay

1999                        Andrew Sayers, The Possibilities of Portraiture, catalogue essay

1998                        Anna Clabburn, The Melbourne Age 30 Sept 1998

1998                        Michael Desmond, Great Stories catalogue essay

1996                        Dr Michael Brand, Looking into history, catalogue essay

1998                        Morris Low, Patterns of Intention catalogue essay

1996                        Anna Clabburn, review, The Melbourne Age  December

1995                        Peter Naumann, thirty-one threads catalogue essay

1997                        Merryn Gates, Patterning catalogue essay

1995                        Sasha Grishin Dry and Introspective, Canberra Times, July 1995

Curatorial Projects


Geometry Rhythm Light: Glass and the everyday, Object,centre for craft and design, Sydney


Future Projections, National Museum of Australia


Motel emerging artists in the Canberra Region, Commissioned by the

Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra City Motor Inn


2003                        Fisher’s Ghost Art Award, Campbelltown Regional Gallery

2002                        Collex Primavera Acquisitive Prize, Administered by the MCA, Sydney


2004                        Artist in Residence, University of Texas, Dallas

2002                        Artist in Residence, Megalo Printmaking studio and Gallery, Canberra

1999                        Australia Council Studio, Paris 2000

1997                        Arts ACT development grant, National Exhibitions Touring Scheme

1996                        Roots of Culture, Moenjodaro Pakistan, funded by: Asialink; Pakistan

                                National Council of the Arts; Australian High Commission, Pakistan