Pat Foster
2002-2005 Bachelor Fine Art, Honors, Victorian College of the Arts
Jen Berean
1999-2001 Bachelor of Fine Art, RMIT
2002-2006 Bachelor of Architecture, RMIT
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2008 ‘Low Expectations,’ Murray White Room, Melbourne
‘The Public are the Police, The Police are the Public,’ Studio 12, Gertrude Contemporary
Art Space
‘The Library Project,’ White Street Projects, Frankston City Library
2007 ‘One Thing After Another,’ Firstdraft, Sydney
2006 ‘New Solutions,’ TCB Art Inc. Melbourne
‘Incident in the Museum 3,’ Monash Museum of Art
2005 ‘The Office Project,’ Margaret Lawrence Gallery, VCA
‘An Ideal for Living,’ TCB Art Inc. Melbourne
2004 ‘No-nonsense Return Policy,’ Bus Gallery, Melbourne
2003 ‘Elsewhere,’ Bus Gallery, Melbourne
Selected Group Exhibitions
2008 ‘Gertrude Studio Artists Exhibition,’ Gertrude Contemporary Art Space
‘Y2k’ TCB Art Inc. Melbourne
‘SCAPE Christchurch Biennial’, Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch, NZ
‘Group 01’, Murray White Room, Melbourne
‘Structural Decline’, Curated by Mark Feary, Melbourne Art Fair 2008
‘Neo Goth,’ University of Queensland Art Museum, Queensland
‘Preview ‘08’, Murray White Room, Melbourne
‘Revolving Doors’, Uplands Gallery, Melbourne
‘The Group Group Show’. Margaret Lawrence Gallery, VCA, Melbourne
2007 ‘Gertrude Street Studio Artists Exhibition’, Gertrude Contemporary Art Space
‘Relentless Optimism’ Curated by Mark Feary, The Carlton Hotel & Studios, Melbourne
2006 ‘Use More Durable Coffee Mugs,’ Melbourne Arts Festival
2005 ‘Drawing Symposium,’ Monash Gallery, Melbourne
‘Selekta,’ Westspace Gallery, Melbourne
‘Don't Hate the Player Hate the Game,’ Bus Gallery, Melbourne
‘Private Collections’ Bus Gallery, Melbourne
‘AsIs,’ with Kain Picken, Clubs Project Space, Melbourne
2004 ‘The Common Vernacular,’ Conical Gallery, Melbourne
2007(current) Gertrude Contemporary Art Space
Selected Bibliography
Leon Goh, “The Public are the Police, The Police are the Public”, GCAS catalogue essay,
August, 2008
“Pat Foster and Jen Berean”, Bulletin of Christchurch Art Gallery, Spring, 2008, p.12
Max Delany, “Melbourne City Report”, Frieze, Issue 115, May 2008
“Pat Foster and Jen Berean in Conversation with Max Delany and Vikki Mcinnes”,
Evergreen Terrace, Issue 01, 2008,
“Conflict, Hierarchy and Hard Work”, un magazine, vol2, no1, March 2008 p.25
Rob Mckenzie,‘Towards an Ethical Art After Post-Structuralism’ Relentless Optimism
Catalogue 2007, p.24-27
Robert Nelson, ‘Relentless Optimism’, The Age, Saturday, Febuary 17, 2007, p. 19
Penny Webb, ‘Relentless Optimism’, The Age, Wednesday, Febuary 14, 2007 p. 20
Alex Taylor, "Flatness Packed,” Artlink vol24 no2 2004, p. 22-25