I like my new stuff better than your old stuff (More Prog Rock Sculptures from the 5th Dimension)


JULY 15 - AUGUST 9, 2008

m: 0409 41 2000 h: (+61) 03 9670 9778 e :

Born 1977, Melbourne

Lives and works in Melbourne


E d u c a t i o n

2008 Master of Fine Art (research candidate), Faculty of Art & Design, Monash University, Melbourne

2005 Architecture Studies, School of Architecture & Design, RMIT, Melbourne

1999 Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours), Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

1996-98 Bachelor of Fine Art – Drawing, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

1995 Certificate of Art & Design, Brighton Bay Art, Design & Photography, Melbourne


S e l e c t e d      S o l o      E x h i b i  t i o n s 

2008 /I like my old stuff better than your new stuff, Ryan Renshaw Gallery, Brisbane

2007 I like my old stuff better than your new stuff, USQ Arts Gallery, University of Southern Queensland

I like my old stuff better than your new stuff

(More prog rock sculptures from the 5th dimension), Ocular Lab, Melbourne

Structural Jam; Its All Lead Guitar when prog rock ruled the Earth, The Narrows, Melbourne

2006 Nouveou Baroque Metal Symphony, SNO, Sydney

2004 Abstract Studio, The Cage Project, Drawing Department, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

2003 An Outdoor Abstract Painting, 24Seven, Melbourne

2002 19 Drawings (abstract plastic), Studio 12, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

Floor Show, 1st Floor Artists and Writers Space, Melbourne

2001 Productopia, 1st Floor Artists and Writers Space, Melbourne

2000 *Window Shopping, Penthouse & Pavement, Melbourne

1999 10% More Meaning!/ Everything Zen, TCB inc. Art, Melbourne 

S e l e c t e d      G r o u p      E x h i b i  t i o n s   

2008 Morphed: contemporary responses to architecture, Sophie Gannon Gallery, Melbourne

20/20?, curated by Ash Keating, Part of the Next Wave Festival, Arts House, Meat Markets, Melbourne

Revolving Doors, Uplands Gallery, Melbourne

2007 Elsewhere, curated by Olivia Poloni, Nellie Castan Gallery, Melbourne

Constructive Propositions, curated by Giles Ryder, Peloton, Sydney

Inverted Topology/#30, SNO, Sydney

Abstraction/ Architecture/ Space, curated by Justin Andrews, RMIT Project Space, Melbourne

Inverted Topology/ All is well that begins well and has no end, 80WSE Gallery, NYU, New York

ABN AMRO Emerging Artist Award, 367 Collins Street, Melbourne

THEN AO, curated by Warren Taylor, Peloton, Sydney

Criteria, Galeria Perdida, Mexico @ Schulter, Berlin

Cut n’ Paste, curated by Giles Ryder, Peloton, Sydney

Inverted Topology, Ocular Lab, Melbourne

2006 Structural Jam,  w/ Rob McHaffie, Studio 6, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

New Work, curated by Danny Lacy, Ocular Lab, Melbourne

The Collective Monochrome Project, Factory 49, Sydney

Greetings, curated by Nick Selenitsch, Ocular Lab, Melbourne

The Packet Agency, Storage, Vancouver, Canada

The Drawingames Project co- ordinated by Michelle Ussher, PB Gallery, Melbourne

Lexicon, curated by Martina Copley, City Library Gallery, Melbourne 

Selekta 06, West Space Inc, Melbourne

Four Walls Falling, curated by Kezia Geddes & Tristian Koenig, Spacement, Melbourne

Inverted Topology /+Plus Factors, curated by Juliana Engberg, ACCA, Melbourne

2005 A Portable Model Of…, curated by Tristian Koenig, Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell

A Short Ride In A Fast Machine, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

A Portable Model Of…, curated by Tristian Koenig, Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart

New Painting Heroes, curated by Viv Miller, Downtown Artspace, Adelaide

Justin Andrews, Stephen Bram, Masato Takasaka, PB Gallery, Swinburne University, Melbourne

Inverted Topology, curated by Danny Lacy, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

2004 mMa(multiple Miscellaneous alliances], CLUBS Project Inc., Melbourne

An Architecture of Hope, curated by Martina Copley, Gallery 101, Melbourne

Work In Progress, curated by Hannah Mathews, Part of the Next Wave Festival, Spacement, Melbourne

Compendium, curated by Martina Copley, Icon Museum of Art, Deakin University, Melbourne

2003 Gertrude Studios 2003, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

M.A.P  (w/ Justin Andrews), Studio 12, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

Common Vernacular Workshop, Conical Inc., Melbourne

Inverted Topology (w/ Matt Hinkley), curated by Danny Lacy, First Draft Gallery, Sydney

Not The Block Show (w/ Matthew Griffin & Nick Mangan), 22 Miller Street, West Melbourne

PrintROOM, CLUBS Project Inc., Melbourne

Home Loan, curated by Larissa Hjorth & Kate Shaw, Delfin Warehouses, Caroline Springs, Victoria 

2002 Gertrude Studios 2002, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

Inverted Topology (w/ Matt Hinkley), curated by Danny Lacy, BUS Gallery, Melbourne

Fresh Cut, Ben Grady Gallery, Canberra 

Only the Lonely, curated by Clare Firth-Smith, BLOCK, Sydney

Gloss, Magazine/ exhibition project, Australia/Japan cultural exchange touring to NADiff Gallery, Tokyo, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Adelaide

Value Added Capital ( w/ Mark Hilton & Selina Ou), West Space Inc., Melbourne & Gallery 4a, Sydney

2001 mixed bag ( w/ Bianca Hester & Nick Mangan), Ocular Lab, Melbourne

Office of Utopic Procedures, West Space Inc., Melbourne 

Rubik #13 artist book launch, Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney

Love and other abstract things…, Penthouse & Pavement, Melbourne

2000 Paintings are Ace, curated by Clare Firth-Smith, Linden Gallery, Melbourne

Setting Up – five emerging artists, Sutton Gallery, Melbourne

1999 Gendai, curated by David O’Halloran, Glen Eira City Gallery, Melbourne

VCA Honours Graduate Exhibition, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne


C u r a t o  r i a l   P r o j e c t s

2004 Drawing Show, (curated with Danny Lacy and Anton Marin), five artists, mir11, Melbourne

2003 Common Vernacular Workshop, (curated with Katherine Huang),twelve artists, Conical Inc., Melbourne

2001 Love and other abstract things…,, five artistsPenthouse & Pavement, Melbourne

1999 Who’s afraid of the avant-garde? Who cares?, thirty-three artists, TCB inc. Art, Melbourne

A w a r d s      a n d      C o m m i s s i o n s

2008 Commissioned artwork (book cover),’Varieties of Capitalism’, Melbourne University Press

2007 Commissioned artwork (wall mural), Order and Progress, Melbourne

2004 Shortlisted (finalist), Public Art Sculpture Commission, World Square, Sydney

2003 Commissioned artwork in collaboration with architectural firm, Ashton Ragatt McDougall

1997 Brochure illustration for Melbourne City Council

1996 Dr. Joseph Brown Award

P r o f e s s i o n a l      E x p e r i  e n c e

2008 sessional lecturer, Interior Design, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT, Melbourne

2008 collaborative drawing workshop  (w/ Michelle Ussher), Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne

2007 visiting lecturer, School of Creative Arts, University of Southern Queensland

2007 studio artist residency, School of Creative Arts, University of Southern Queensland

2007 founding member of Primer Artist Co-operative, Melbourne

2007 sessional lecturer, Interior Design, School of Architecture and Design, RMIT, Melbourne

2004-05 co-director, mir11 artist run gallery in collaboration with architectural firm, Ashton Ragatt McDougall

2004 studio artist residency, Drawing Department, School of Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

2004 sessional lecturer, Drawing Department, School of Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

2004 sessional teacher, Department of Arts, Swinburne University of Technology TAFE division, Prahran, Vic.

2003 sessional lecturer, Drawing Department, School of Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

2003 sessional teacher, Department of Arts, Swinburne University of Technology TAFE division, Prahran, Vic.

2002-03   studio artist residency, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

2002 studio artist representative, studio selection committee, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne

2002-08 founding member of Inverted Topology, a collaborative art group based in Melbourne

2002 travelled to Tokyo, for Gloss, Melbourne-Tokyo cultural exchange

2001 sessional lecturer, Drawing Department, School of Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne

2001-03 member of DAMP, a collaborative art group based in Melbourne

1999 installation volunteer, Signs Of Life, Melbourne International Biennial